This past May my husband, James, and I were gearing up to move from our home in Alexandria, VA to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for him to attend a 12 month school. We were about six weeks out from our move date, when we got an unimaginable phone call: Would we like to move to Ireland instead?
This past May my husband, James, and I were gearing up to move from our home in Alexandria, VA to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for him to attend a 12 month school. We were about six weeks out from our move date, when we got an unimaginable phone call: Would we like to move to Ireland instead?
Despite my husband’s enthusiasm- my initial response was that there was absolutely no way we could make it work. Here was the catch: James had 10 days to pack up and get over there for the start of the assignment, leaving me, an 11 month old baby, a dog, a home and a business to coordinate the logistics for.
After the initial shock wore off, the real question was, how could we possibly say no? I had lived overseas in London for 8 years growing up and knew what an incredible perspective we would gain. My son would learn to walk in Europe, we’d spend our weekends driving the countryside, exploring farms and adventuring. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
And so we were off. James hopped on a plane to Dublin and I stayed behind, coordinated movers, decided what of our things we would need for the next year and of those, narrowed it down to what would fit in our 1000 lbs of allowed airplane cargo.
We’ve now been in Ireland for six months, and I’m so glad we said yes. Sometimes life throws you curveballs, and there is always a way to make things work with a little faith and a lot of creativity. Has it been easy? No. Every day is a new learning adventure. We’re assimilating to a new culture and all its quirks, and running a needlepoint business from abroad has had its own challenges, but I am so grateful for our time here.
When I set out to design our Irish needlepoint collection, I wanted it to be reflective of our time here. There are many classic Irish symbols- a Claddagh ring, a lucky clover and lots of sheep! Along with several iconic attractions that represent some of the best of Ireland- the Cliffs of Moher and Temple Bar. The roundabout sign is a personal favorite, after finally mastering driving on the left side of the road.
I hope this needlepoint collection holds some favorites for you too and provides you with a way to commemorate your Irish travels.
Xo- Jinny